
St Jeanne Antide Foundation

Since late 2007, SJAF has worked closely with and supported 8,087 vulnerable children, adolescents, youth and their 4,530 families with complex needs. Being a family-focused support organisation, we assess and draw up care and support plans for both the whole family and the individuals within it since needs vary and the potential of each needs to be looked at, acknowledged and supported. Daily being witness to the ravages of domestic violence across these years and having supported over 350 survivors of domestic violence and their children since 2012, we listened to them and their call to do something to prevent abusive relationships. Things fell into place late last year when a few young persons aged 18 to 24 expressed their interest to embark on an initiative to do just that – an awareness raising prevention group using social media to create interest, a following and an interest in delving deeper into this scourge leaving fractured lives floundering. IVY – Interrupting Violence toward Youth was thus set up.

As an NGO, the St Jeanne Antide Foundation (SJAF) provides a range of support services to families in distress sliding into poverty and social exclusion. It accompanies children and families away from poverty and guides them towards self-reliance, resilience, and fulfilment of their potential. It also strives to train persons who have experienced much suffering to become frontline support workers themselves.

Each year, the Foundation uploads very detailed annual reports highlighting outcomes of its various core services provided by qualified practitioners, trained Peer Mentors who are themselves survivors of domestic violence and volunteers. All can be accessed on the following link to the Foundation’s website:

From late 2007 to September 2022, the Foundation has provided holistic support to 8,087 individuals of all ages from 4,530 vulnerable families in distress. The following are the services being provided by the St Jeanne Antide Foundation:

Ċentru Antida Family Support Services Hub:
All core services are currently based in this centre which welcomes anyone wishing to access support or to volunteer. The centre runs a COLUNTEERING PROGRAMME offering a range of opportunities for social volunteering: – Volunteer Mentors matched with vulnerable young persons and young adults; – supported volunteering for service users; – befriending work; – reception work; – handymen in support of poor families; – admin support; and learning support tuition. A range of in-kind supports are provided to poor families across services: Food Aid, Hygiene Bank, clothing, furnishings, books, baby items, toys, back-to-school resource items required by schools, an Emergency Fund and a Debt Relief Fund.

  • Email: [email protected]
  • URL:
    Community Social Work Service – serving families from the localities of Ħal Tarxien, Paola, Fgura, Santa Luċija and Birżebbuġa: home-visits, family care plans, advocacy, referral to other agencies, information dissemination, emotional support; non-formal education; support groups; close collaboration with other family support agencies; extending in-kind support to families in distress.
  • Email: [email protected]
  • URL:

SOAR Service: Peer Mentoring by trained survivors of domestic violence, advocacy with policy makers, personal advocacy, Saturday Club; support and self-development groups; workshops for practitioners; information-giving; start-up of a social enterprise called Meraki.
– Email: [email protected]

LWIEN Service: Support to family caregivers of persons with severe mental illness: family consultations by Senior Mental Health Nurse, support groups, home-visits, social work, literature.

  • Email: [email protected]
  • URL:

Emotional Freedom Service for persons afflicted by anger, fear, grudges, resentment, anxiety or other emotional distress.
– Email: [email protected]

The St Jeanne Antide Foundation works closely with all family support agencies, parish diaconia groups, the Diaconia Secretariat network of faith-based organisation and their community services and the Pastoral workers who need to consult about difficult cases they come across.

Azzjoni Kattolika Maltija

L-Azzjoni Kattolika hija magħmula minn gruppi li huma maqsuma skont l-età tal-membri u li flimkien mal-leaders tagħhom jagħmlu mixja ta’ formazzjoni personali, spiritwali u komunitarja fi żvilupp ta’ ħbiberija spiritwali.

Il-proposta formattiva hi bbażata fuq l-istil ħajja-Kelma-ħajja fejn wieħed jibda’ mill-esperjenza tal-ħajja ta’ kuljum, li tinqara fid-dawl tal-Kelma t’Alla u għalhekk toħroġna lura lejn il-ħajja b’perspettiva ġdida. L-iskop hu li l-grupp jkunu l-post ta’ wens u ta’ recharge għall-membri li jgħixu fid-dinja imma mhumiex tad-dinja.

Il-formazzjoni tal-leaders tal-gruppi tinkludi l-akkumpanjament fil-missjoni li jkunu daħlu għaliha fi rwoli differenti fi ħdan l-għaqda.

L-akkumpanjament spiritwali tal-membri isisr ukoll bis-saħħa tas-saċerdoti (imsejjħa assistenti ekkleżjastiċi) il jimxu mal-gruppi tal-Azzjoni Kattolika. Il-membri huma mħeġġa li jidħlu għal direzzjoni spiritwali, dan hu punt li nixtiequ naħdmu fuqu iktar.

L-Azzjoni Kattolika toffri ukoll servizzi ta’ social workers li jsegwu klijenti riferuti anke mill-parroċċi, servizz ta’ Dar Regina Pacis, f’Ħal Balzan, li qed isservi ta’ emergency shelter għal persuni vulnerabbli li jiġu segwiti bi programm li jgħinhom iqumu fuq saqajhom, kif ukoll servizz ta’ post fejn persuni homeless jistgħu jagħmlu affarijiet bażiċi bħal jinħaslu u jaħslu l-ħwejjeġ u li għalhekk joffrilhom dinjità f’Dar Pier Giorgio Frassati.